
A Huge Pat On My Back From Me

I’m extra damn proud of myself this week. I want you to share how you are proud of yourself this week, today, in this moment – doesn’t matter the timeline – I want to hear it! 🙂 That humble train has passed and I’m here for all the tooting of our own horns. *beep, beep*

It’s only Wednesday and I’ve accomplished so many practical tasks (deep cleaning, filing my taxes – late I’m aware etc.). This is likely the most I’ve accomplished off my to do list since the few weeks after Dad’s passing and there was 4 million things to do. For any of you who have been in a dark hole, you know how hard it is to complete every day “basic” tasks, let alone have the capacity to do anything “extra.” This is the first time in months, I’ve had the desire and energy to get some shit done. And this feels SO good. I still feel like shit at varying times of the day, but I am slowly starting to feel less like the dead walking.

I definitely had to play some mental gymnastics with myself when my thoughts were telling me to put it off for another day or later on. I put a stop to my thoughts because I knew intuitively I would feel better once I got shit done. I’ve also signed up for a glorious restorative yoga class for tomorrow evening that I’m excited for and will not be bailing on. I’m proud of myself for committing to myself and doing something I know is going to make me feel so good.

I suppose why I am sharing this is let y’all know I think we need to celebrate our wins, celebrate ourselves. It’s easy to celebrate our birthdays, promotions, reaching a particular long term goal…but what about the quieter wins – the ones not many or no one sees? Like getting out of bed, brushing your teeth and having a shower, deep cleaning our home, eating a good meal, getting some shit done off our to do list etc. All of these wins are valid; we just don’t talk about the latter as often. But I think we should. This week I haven’t accomplished some amazing feat in the eyes of many, or especially in those who don’t know my grief story, but to me, I’ve accomplished so much and I’m really damn proud of me. To have had moments of me, of Steph, reappear when my light feels like it’s been out for SO long…my friends, this is worth celebrating.

So pat yourself on your back for your accomplishments this week – wherever in your heart you may be. Toot. your. mother. fuckin’. horn.

Nothing but love to you. Thank you for coming along with me in this journey of life. ❤

Leave me a little love note: