
Democracy – Is It An Illusion?

Democracy - Is It An Illusion?

Is it all an illusion? That is for you to decide.

I am not an expert in this field, nor in anything for that matter- but politics, in particular, has never been something that has interested me. With the more I learn, I am beginning to understand even more why that has been the case. Politics and religion are very touchy subjects for the vast majority of people, many of whom have very strong opinions. Whether you are a “fan” of him or not – think about what this statement says. I am not here to try to change anyone’s mind. I simply like to post thought-provoking ideas/thoughts.

This is topic that one could write an entire book on so I’m not going to go into too much detail on my personal opinions and views. I will say that I cannot agree more with his statement. There is much more going on ‘behind the scenes’ than any of us are even being made aware of, politically or otherwise. It doesn’t take much research to realize that there are/have been those in a ‘position of power’ whose agendas are/were not in the best interest of the mass population. I wonder what would happen if NO ONE voted? It would be potentially the quickest way to crumble the existing political system to make room for a system that is by the people, for our highest good. It’s my dream to come back to world like that! As of right now, more and more people are ‘waking up’ and discovering their truth so I’m hopeful and optimistic for humanity (I leave my “Negative Nancy” pants tucked away) that it won’t take reincarnation for me to be able to experience that. 😉

Things that make you go hmmm…

With love, as always.

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